The social aspects of care literature search included the following cross-
cutting terms relevant to this domain, including: “psychosocial,” “cultur*,”
“communication,” “family systems theory,” “social determinants of care or
social determinants of health,” “loneliness,” “social work*,” “empathy,”
“motivational interviewing,” “assessment,” “care goals,” and “care plan.”
An asterisk symbol was placed at the end of “social work” to broaden the
search by finding words that start with the same root respectively (eg, social
worker, social working). Upon removal of duplicate articles, a total of 1,715
separate titles and abstracts were retrieved for further review.
Domain 5: Spiritual, Religious, and Existential Aspects of Care
The first search related to content in the spiritual aspects of care domain
included selected search terms, including: “spiritual,” “cultur*,”
“communication,” “religious or religion or religiosity,” “existential,”
“beliefs,” “values,” “chaplain or clergy or spiritual caregiver,”
“assessment,” “care goals,” and “care plan.” An asterisk symbol was placed
at the end of “cultur” to broaden the search by finding words that start with
the same root respectively (eg, cultures, cultural). Upon removal of
duplicate articles, a total of 2,393 separate titles and abstracts were retrieved
for further review.
A subsequent search was conducted to capture other topics relevant to the
domain content: “chaplain,” “chaplaincy,” and “spiritual care.” Upon
removal of duplicate articles, a total of 348 separate titles and abstracts
were retrieved for further review.
Domain 6: Cultural Aspects of Care
An initial search on the cultural aspects of care was conducted using the
following search terms: “cultural,” “cultur*,” “communication,”
“intersectionality,” “transcultural,” “cultural humility,” “culturally
inclusive,” “radical respect,” “competence,” “disparities,” “race or racial or
race or ethnicity,” “socioeconomic status,” “gender identity or sex,” “sexual
orientation,” “sexuality,” “interpreters or medical interpreters,”
“immigrant,” “cultural brokers,” “language,” “literacy,” “assessment,” “care