NCHPC Endorsed Patient Choice Among the Recommendations for the CMS VBID Model

The National Coalition for Hospice and Palliative Care along with other leading organizations recently submitted a letter in response to the CMS request for information regarding various aspects of the Value-Based Insurance Design (VBID) Model. Among the recommendations highlighted in the letter, the coalition urged CMS to move with caution when considering network requirements and prior authorizations for the hospice carve-in of VBID. Specifically, we urged CMS not to allow Medicare Advantage (MA) organizations to limit beneficiary access to in-network providers without sufficient guardrails in place to minimize any disruptions in care – and not to move forward with hospice prior authorization at this time. As CMS moves forward with the inclusion of hospice into MA, it is imperative to consider patient choice and the importance of timely care access.

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