As a coalition, our members work side-by-side to be the voice at a national level on issues that matter to the interdisciplinary field of palliative care and hospice. Our members represent providers who work in multiple settings to advance serious illness care that include physicians, physician associates, nurses, social workers, chaplains, pharmacists, and researchers.
Our members at the NCHPC coalition develop consensus-based actions and recommendations to ensure all patients, families, and caregivers have equitable access to quality hospice and palliative care.
We focus on key issues such as advocacy, quality, workforce, payment, and research at a national level to positively promote palliative care as well as hospice care provided by the interdisciplinary teams (IDT) of physicians, physicians associates, nurses, social workers, chaplains, pharmacists, and researchers.
The NCHPC endorses the following bipartisan federal legislation:
- Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act (PCHETA 2243). This bipartisan legislation focuses on investing in training, education, and research for the palliative care and hospice workforce. Co-sponsors
- Expanding Access to Palliative Care Act (S.1845) which proposes the creation of a demonstration project to support improved access to palliative care services through a community-based model. The bill requires the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) to develop a Community-Based Palliative Care (CBPC) demonstration. This program would provide essential interdisciplinary care to people with serious illness in their home and lead to improved quality and cost outcomes. Co-Sponsors
- The Provider Training in Palliative Care Act, S. 2117, would allow National Health Service Corps participants to defer their service for up to a year to do additional training in palliative care, as long as they provide primary care during their service with the Corps. Co-Sponsors
- Supporting Our Seniors Act, 2584 is a bill that would establish a federal commission on long-term care including an emphasis on determining the palliative care needs for the long-term care population. Co-Sponsors
- Appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024. Legislation and accompanying Report Language appropriates $12.5 and establishes a palliative care research program at the NIH.

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, 4th edition
Create a blueprint for excellence by establishing a comprehensive foundation for gold-standard palliative care, including evidence-based processes and practices for providing safe and reliable high-quality care for all people living with serious illness, regardless of their diagnosis, prognosis, age or where they live or receive care.

Members of the Coalition share a common vision for the highest quality of care for people facing serious illness and a professional community that supports one another and strives to make access and innovation commonplace within and outside of organizations.

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