The NCHPC Board of Directors is committed to improving serious illness care by collaborating to advocate for equitable policies and improved health outcomes, establishing best practices, and sharing resources. Our Board members serve as decision-makers in developing policies, establishing objectives and priorities for organizational activities, and monitoring our effectiveness and performance. Specifically, the Board provides governance and guidance for the Coalition’s strategic focus and activities.

Brynn Bowman, MPA
Board President
CEO, Center to Advance Palliative Care (CAPC)
“The Coalition serves as a place where individuals from all fields relating to hospice and palliative care can come together and engage in dialogue, share their perspectives and best practices to help the field and their care recipients improve and thrive in one of the most difficult moments of life.”

Patricia Appelhans, JD
Board President-elect
CEO, Association of Professional Chaplains (APC)
“The Coalition serves as a place where individuals from all fields relating to hospice and palliative care can come together and engage in dialogue, share their perspectives and best practices to help the field and their care recipients improve and thrive in one of the most difficult moments of life.”

Virginia Marshall, ACNP-BC, ACHPN, FPCN
Board Secretary/Treasurer
CEO, Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA)
“Through combined efforts, the interdisciplinary partner organizations of the Coalition, are making a significant difference in the specialty of Hospice and Palliative Care. We are able to accomplish more by working together and supporting each other.”

Steve Smith, MS CAE FAAMSE
Board Director
Interim CEO, American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine (AAHPM)
“This Coalition is the central place where organizations that represent individuals and families with serious illness come together to advance quality palliative and hospice care. We always accomplish more when we work together and are able to leverage the collective wisdom and experience of this incredibly diverse and intelligent group of healthcare leaders.”

Ben Marcantonio, MS, MEd, LMFT
Board Director
Chief Integration Officer, National Alliance for Care at Home (Alliance)
“Members of the Coalition share a common vision for the highest quality of care for people facing serious illness and a professional community that supports one another and strives to make access and innovation commonplace within and outside of organizations.”

Logan Hoover, MPS
Board Director
Vice President Policy & Government Relations, National Alliance for Care at Home (Alliance)
“Members of the Coalition share a common vision for the highest quality of care for people facing serious illness and a professional community that supports one another and strives to make access and innovation commonplace within and outside of organizations.”

R. Sean Morrison, MD
Board Director
Director, National Palliative Care Research Center (NPCRC)
“The Coalition is a critical contributor to advancing the care of persons living with serious illness and their families. It is the exemplar of diverse organizations working in concert to achieve a shared goal of critical importance to all Americans.”

Clinical Practice Guidelines for Quality Palliative Care, 4th edition
Create a blueprint for excellence by establishing a comprehensive foundation for gold-standard palliative care, including evidence-based processes and practices for providing safe and reliable high-quality care for all people living with serious illness, regardless of their diagnosis, prognosis, age or where they live or receive care.